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Ministry of Education 《Concised Mandarin Chinese Dictionary》



Recently, the dictionary completed the review and revision of nine entries, including "調情", and welcomes public reference and feedback.

  1. 本院依外界反映意見,成立國語辭典性別平等議題審議會,審議會委員包含教育部第11屆性別平等教育委員會中的7位委員及本院之國語辭典編審會中的6位委員,並由本院召集會議審修性平相關詞條。

  2. 本典近期完成審修「調情」等9條詞條,歡迎各界參考並提供意見。對於修訂內容如有不同意見,請於113年11月30日前提供(電郵,或使用本典「意見回饋」功能:。

  3. 為避免辭典中存有涉及性別歧視、偏見意涵的負面用語,本院業建立常態檢修教育部國語辭典性別平等議題內容機制,各界若就辭典內容提出涉及性平議題問題,本院將送請學者專家審議,此外,亦將定期進行篩檢。


In response to public feedback, the National Academy for Educational Research (NAER) established the Gender Equality Issues Review Committee for the dictionary. The committee comprises seven members from the Ministry of Education's 11th Gender Equality Education Committee and six members from Mandarin Dictionary Editorial Board. These meetings, convened by NAER, are aimed at reviewing and revising gender-related dictionary entries.

The dictionary has recently completed the review and revision of nine entries, including "調情", and invites public reference and feedback. We encourage you to share any differing opinions on the revised content by November 30, 2024, via email at or through the dictionary's "Feedback" feature:

To ensure that no negative terms with discriminatory or biased gender implications remain in the dictionary, NAER has implemented a regular review mechanism to address gender equality-related issues. Any public concerns regarding such issues in the dictionary will be submitted for review by scholars and experts. Periodic screenings will also be conducted to maintain inclusivity and accuracy.


[Comparison Table of Review Results]

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